Showing: 16 - 30 of 32 Articles

Divine Masculine Awakening and The Distorted Masculine

The Distorted Masculine For a very long time the Divine Masculine has been living from an unbalanced power. The battle of the sexes, aggression, hunger of power created so much suffering in relationships, society and globally too. The masculine is repressing its true nature, and allowing his shadow side to roam freely. Making decisions from …

Out with the Old, in with the NEW – Introducing 2 New, Free Services at Spiritual Wonders

In the last few months I have mainly been working behind the scenes. In my line of business, especially at the stage of being a “one-band-woman” 🙂 the business is reflecting the person’s energies, who is behind it. As, I was growing spiritually, since 2010, when I have established Spiritual Wonders, the services I have …

Light Workers, Twin Flames, Ascension, The Divine Masculine and Feminine – Your Questions Answered

I am still in the process of transforming my business, so it truly reflects the wisdom I have gained throughout the 10 years I have been consciously walking my spiritual path. I have been in my cocoon for a few months now to birth new ideas going forward, whilst “keeping the lights on” in most …

Read Your Soul History from and Clear Negative Patterns with the Akashic Records

Dear FIRSTNAME, Have you heard about the Akashic Records? Think of them as a giant energetic database that contains ALL information, past and present. It’s an overwhelming concept, isn’t it? Well, there’s a program that actually teaches you how to intuitively access the Akashic Records to “read” the history of the Soul, discover its purpose, …

Soul-Level Empowerment for Healing Transformation to Feel Enough by Eva Maria Hunt

How can you feel enough in a world that measures you with qualities inappropriate to your nature and only acknowledges the physical part of you? It is not possible. And believe me you are not the only one, who suffers from being out of balance energetically in Mind, Body and Soul and not feeling happy …

Troubleshooting Manifestation Problems – Part 1. The Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for me

Troubleshooting Manifestation Problems Manifestation is a trendy subject, along with The Law of Attraction ever since Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret became a best seller in 2006. Many people read it, talks about it, even tried the techniques she wrote about. They work for some and don’t work for others. How is it possible? Not everyone …